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Gabriele Grunewald

b. July 25, 1986 d. July 11, 2019

Track Champion

Gabriele "Gabe" Grunewald was born June 25, 1986 in Perham Minnesota to parents Kim and Laura Anderson. Gabe was one of her parents five children. On June 11, 2019 she lost her ten year battle with cancer. Gabe is survived by her husband Justin Grunewald parents sisters Laura and Abby brothers Zack, Caleb and Ben.

Gabe was a college runner at the University of Minnesota in 2009 when she was diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma. In 2014, Gabe won the 3000-meter indoor national title.

Fellow world-class runner Kara Goucher had these kind words about Gabe - "For me, her moments of vulnerability stand out. She was a real person, with unimaginable road blocks and setbacks, yet she always chose to move forward. "
2016 U.S. Olympic Team Trials
Still fighting

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